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About Us

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About Kenlyn/Marquis German Shepherd Dogs

Combined, Kent Boyles and Liz Oster have over 60 years of experience, having bred more than 100 champions and finishing more than 400 titles in the German Shepherd Dog breed. Their vastly differing backgrounds have ultimately led them together to breed, train, and show great dogs hand in hand.

Liz’s parents bred, showed, and trained German Shepherd Dogs since the late 1950s, making her a second-generation fancier. For Liz, breeding, owning and handling German Shepherd Dogs is a family affair that she hopes to continue. Kent purchased his first German Shepherd Dog when he was 15 and his passion for the breed has only grown deeper over time.

Between Kent and Liz, they have campaigned 17 animals to the Grand Victor/Grand Victrix title, along with countless Select titles and Winners Dog/Bitch titles at both the U.S. and Canadian Nationals. The pair is always striving to better the health and minds of the dogs they breed and they’re not afraid to think out of the box when it comes to their breeding program.

Among the many great German Shepherd Dogs Kent and Liz have bred, “Rumor,” officially known as BIS GCh.P Am/.Can. SELECT Excellent Ch. Lockenhaus’ Rumor Has It V Kenlyn, was the number-one Dog All Systems in 2015, the 2015 AKC National Championship BIS and the 2017 Westminster BIS.

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 © 2023 Kenlyn/Marquis' German Shepherds :: Wisconsin German Shepherd Breeder. All rights reserved. 

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